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Giving List
Agape Temple Church of God in Christ
Giving List
Bobby needs a surgery
97% donated of $3,500
Donate now
Let’s grant Helly a chance
37% donated of $11,000
No days left to achieve target
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Billie needs more chemotherapy
28% donated of $2,000
No days left to achieve target
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Kids need parents & family
28% donated of $2,000
No days left to achieve target
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Free lunches for the homeless in Newark
18% donated of $600
No days left to achieve target
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Sophie asked Santa for a new doll
100% donated of $100
days left to achieve target
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Help PwD to get new wheelchairs
28% donated of $2,000
No days left to achieve target
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Kids need families
60% donated of $10,000
No days left to achieve target
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Helga wants to be a doctor when she grows up
11% donated of $18,000
No days left to achieve target
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